Hey, I’m Ashlee!
I love so many different types of movement, and think it’s awesome that we can shift the state of our energy just by moving our bodies in different ways.
I discovered yoga about 8 years ago, originally it was just a way to stretch out the long distance running that I was doing at the time. About the same time I started experiencing really bad anxiety and panic attacks, and I realised that my yoga practice was helping me immensely to tune back into a state of calm, both physically and mentally.
I now regularly practice and teach a variety of styles including Power, Vinyasa and Yin. Power Yoga has a special place in my heart because it’s challenging and fun, and aligns with my core values of strength and faith.
When I’m not on my mat you’ll probably find me with a cup of tea, working on artistic and creative projects.
I can’t wait to flow and move with you.
Ashlee X